2nd Fleamarket at Liepnitzsee
Saturday, September 30, 2023
10 a.m. to 4 p.m
We want to HAGGLE with you who’s joining?
Stands can be set up from 8.30 a.m.
We accept binding registrations by email to liepnitzsee@mecklenburg-tourist.de or by telephone 0049 33397 688881 (feel free to talk to our answering machine). Please write „Flea market registration“ in the subject line and state your name, telephone number, the approximate length of your stand or whether you are setting up a pavilion.
If you want to withdraw from the registration, that’s no problem. Please let us know on time so that we can plan better.
Thank you and happy haggling!
Professional dealers and new goods are excluded from the flea market!